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Der Ort

Zwischen dem Bielersee und dem Murtensee, am Rande des grossen Moos und des Rösti Grabens liegt Ins. Und am Ende des Dorfes, an der Strasse nach Biel, am Rande des Sportplatzes liegt das Häusschen, das auch Schüxe genannt wird und in dem 1-2 Mal pro Monat Konzerte gegeben werden.

Lust auf gute Musik? Das Schüxenhaus ist zu Fuss in rund 10 Minuten ab der Haltestelle Ins Dorf (Zug oder Postauto) bzw. 20 Minuten ab dem Bahnhof Ins erreichbar. Es sind auch genügend Parkplätze vorhanden.

Diese Bands spielten hier:

II. Ukran Front (Hungary) / A Small District / Ad’ Absurdum / A.M.D (Hungary) / AM:PM / Abstract Reason / Angela & Die Beatagenten / Angry Alliance / Animal Boys / Ape Machine (USA) / Ape Skull (Italy) / Argies (Argentina) / Athlete / Aziz / Baby Finger / Banquet (USA) / Baseball Bat Boogie Bastards / Bauknecht / Bees Made Honey In The Vein Tree (Germany) / Beesus (Italy) / Belly Hole Freak (Italy) / Bigger Trigger / Bitch Queens / Black Capricorn (Italy) / Black Magic Six (Finland)  Black Rainbows (Italy) / Black Shiva / Blasted / Blown / Body Bag / Bonka Ponx / Born Dead Icons / Bosca / Boykotos / Brainholz / Breakdown Of Sanity / Bubka / Budget Boozers / Butter / B.U.R.P. / C.W. Stoneking (Australia) / Cairns (France) / Caliban (Germany) / Call For Blood / Call Me Peter / Carolynn / Carson / Cataract / Cello Inferno / Chaostruppe / Charles In The Kitchen / Cheekbones / Cheekbonians / Chicken Nuggets / Chicken Reloaded / Chris Dubflow And The Horns Of Zion / Clinton & The Cypresshillbillyfuckberryboysband / Clös / Codger Lingus / Conjonctive / Contrition (Germany) / Convulsif / Cosmic Shuffling / Creeping Vengeance / Crude Caress / Curb Dogs / Cwill / DC/AC / Dark Day Dungeon / Das Pferd / Dave Martens / Dead Beatz (Austria) / Dead Bronco (Spain/USA) / Deadalian Opus / Deconvolution / Defdump (Luxemburg) / Defender / Despu Palliton / Dexter (Netherlands) / Die Russen Sind Da / Diesel 69 / Dick Laurent / Dieselokkult (Germany) / Divine Sentence / Doctor Cyclops (Italy) / Dollar Bill (UK) /Don Gatto (Hungary) / Donnervouk / Dr. Norton (Germany)  Dubment / Duel (USA) / Duo Bukowski /  Dustcharger / Dwarfish / Dysrider / Eaglewow / Earotation (Germany) / Eastwood / Eddie’s Beast / Eleara Sunstreak Band (Germany) / Elision (Germany) / Elizabeth / Emerald / Entropy / Fall Of Serenity (Germany) / Falling Down / Famara / Famous October / Fear My Thoughts (Germany) / Fifty Foot Combo (Belgium) / Finalizer (Germany) / Five Knuckle / Flieger / Fondükotze / Forlorn Sky / Fvzz Popvli (Italy) / Garbage Bags (Belgium) / G.C. Up / Gewitter und Bananen / Giant Sleep / Glitter Wizard (USA) / Gloria Volt / Glowfi / Google-A (Japan) / Götz Widmann / Gran Noir / Grannysmith / Gustav / Haïrdrÿer / Hank Shizzoe / Harvey Rushmore & The Octopus / H.C.H.C. (Hungary) / Heat (Germany) / Heaven Shall Burn (Germany) / Hellroom Projectors / Hellfueled (SWE) / Hemi Cuda (USA) / Hess & The Spanky Hammers / Ida Elena / Ilydaen (Belgium) / Infunkted / Impact / Inward Effect (Germany) / Irie Noise / Iscariote / Jack Oblivian (USA) / Jack Slamer / Jar / Joliette (Mexico) / Joo Joo Eye Ball / Jolly And The Flytrap / Katillers (France) / Kids In A Cage (Germany) / Killflex / Killer Boogie (Italy) / Kilmister / King Howl (Italy) / King Khan & BBQ Show / King Mastino (Italy) / Knuckledust (UK) / Kockroach / La Sangria Discreta / Lamine M’Boup & The Foulfayda / Le Grand Mal / Led Farmers / Leef / Lem Phago / Les Vaches Laitières (France) / Liecht-Blick / Liquidrooots / Living Things (Germany) / Lo-Lite (Netherlands) / Loretta / Los Banditos (Germany) / Los Looches (Netherlands) / Los Sustos (Mexico) / Lost Alone / Lost In Blues / Love Cans / Lombego Surfers / Mad Cowgirl Disease / Mag N’ Men / Mandolin Orange (USA) / Manuel Etter / Marant / Marbach / Mary Lou & The Sinners / Milk Divers / Mis-En-Scene (Belgium) / Mojo / Monolith Grows (Italy) / Mortal Hatred / Moscow Mule / Mother Engine (GER) / Motorizer / Mudd (Italy) / My Home On Trees (Italy) / No Guru Is Perfect / No Mute / No Way To Escape / Nodafreth / North Alps / Obnoxious Deadbeat / Odem / Offshore / Olistic / Open Close My Eyes / Open Season / Oregon Trail / Orgasmatron / Osmose / Ouzo Bazooka (Israel) / Pale Black / Paprika Disco / Parties Break Hearts / Ping Machines / Pray Silent / Prejudice / Pruduct (Italy) / Promethee / Psychopunch (Sweden) / Pueblo Criminal / Puta Madre Brothers (Mexico/Australia) / Putzmarie / Quatre In Toulouse / R-A-M-S / Rabies (CZE) / Rebel Rules / Reprisal (Italy) /  Reverend Deadeye / Rhododendron / Rickshaw (Sweden) / Rimojeki (ISR) / Ripstone / Ron Corner / Roots Of Death / Rubberband / Rumble Jim / Santeria Durango / Sarbach /  Schnady / Schwein Und Hund / Scream Of The Butterfly / Severin & Satch / Shades Of Purple / Sgt. Sunshine (Sweden) / Simia Sapiens / Simon + Band(e) / Silver Marggis / Sinner / Skafield (Germany) / Skylla’s Revenge / Skrylls / Slam And Howie And The Reserve Man / Smoky Joe (Germany) / Son Cesano / Sonic Wolves (Italy) / Sons Of Morpheus / Stampin’ Ground (UK) / Station: Waypoint / String Stranglers / Stump Fucking / Stur / Suehiro Commander / Sugarfoot Brothers / Superschurken / Superspy / Swir / Sxokondo / Ta Mère / Tastes Like Chicken / Teenage Kings / Temple Of Dust (Italy) / Tenterhooks / Tethong / The 20Belows (Denmark) / The Attycs / The Black Explosion (Sweden) / The Bloody Holllies / The Blues Against Youth (Italy) / The Chocolate Rockets / The Come N’ Go / The D-Rangers (USA) / The Dylan Dogs / The Fabulous Band Of Trash / The Fuckadies / The Gents / The Giant Robots / The Grannies (USA) / The Gruesomes (Canada) / The Hydromatics (USA) / The Jancee Pornick Casino (Germany) / The Licks / The Lovers / The Lurkers (UK) / The McRackings (Canada) / The Mojomatics (Italy) / The Monofones / The Monsignores / The Monsters / The Neckbones (USA) / The Normalos / The Peepshows (Sweden) / The PFK / The Psychonauts / The Rambling Wheels / The Revelaires (Belgium) / The Royal Flush / The Seniles / The Spunyboys (FRA) / The Traces / The Tri-Gantics (Austria) / The Watchmaking Metropolis Orchestra / The Woggles / The Wisdoom (Italy) / The Zygotes / Them Muddy Brothers (Germany) / Thornspikes (Germany) / Tight Finks / Tortilla Flat Feat. The Independent Pipers / Trash Tongue / Travelin’ Band / Treekillaz / Trust The Lighthouse  Tytus (Italy) / Uncle Bard & Dirty Bastards (Italy) / Unhold / Universe By Ear (GER) / Unveil / Uristier / Vidunder (Sweden) / Virgin Bitch / Vollmond Feat. Housi Wittlin / Wazomba / Whiteout / Wild Eyes (USA) / Woodwall (Italy) / Worst In Me / YOG / YRU / Zeno Tornado / Zero Talent (F) / Zion Step

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